The CORE (Conservation Outdoor Recreation Education)

Ken is a certified CORE instructor and examiner at Hardcore Archery and is booking times to administer the CORE exam for individuals who are preparing independently, either through online study or by using the CORE manual.
The exam includes both a written and a practical component.
The cost is $30 for each component, plus an additional $30 to be sent to the BCWF to obtain your graduation certificate.
CORE manuals available $23
The Conservation Outdoor Recreation Program (CORE) is required for B.C. residents, 14 years or over, who wish to obtain a B.C. resident hunter number card, and a first B.C. resident hunting license. It is offered through a partnership agreement with the Ministry of Environment and the BCWF. Please contact us for contact information for a certified CORE instructor or examiner, or to book a time to write the exam.
- Take the CORE course in person with a certified CORE examiner or self study through the BCWF Online CORE course or the CORE manual.
- Take and pass the CORE exams with a certifies examiner.
- Submit your test results to the BCWF to receive your CORE graduation certificate; Mail or deliver to the B.C. Wildlife Federation Office.
- Use your CORE certificate to apply for your FWID in person from Service BC or Front Counter BC, or at BC Hunting Online
- Buy a hunting licences.
To possess or purchase firearms. you need to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and apply for a Possession and Acquisition Licence PAL though the Canadian Firearms Program/RCMP.